I have been tagged. Now I have to come up with 7 random or weird facts about myself. I have been worried about being tagged with something like this. In the bloggosphere I can't just "accidentally" hit the delete button and ignore it like it never happened. Thanks Corin. she is the tagger and she is also my sister. We are a lot alike- so now I have two challenges (1) to come up with 7 things I wouldn't mind the public knowing, and (2) trying not to duplicate some of Corin's 7.
So here Goes....
#1 If you read Corin's 7 weird and random things, you already know that I too have crooked pinkies. Along with my two oldest children. My third child, who resembles more of my husband, has one crooked, one straight. Unlike all of them, I also have another physical strangeness. I have a tiny white dot in the middle of each of my pupils. I have no explanation for this. It has no effect on my eyesight.
#2 The book " The Eskimo Twins" is the only book I have read cover to cover. yes - I am 31 years old and I have only read 1 whole book....I was like 9... (not counting all of the children's books I have read to the kids of course.) It's not that I can't read, But I find that I would rather be doing something else, or it makes me sleepy, or I'd rather just wait until it is a movie. All of those book report assignments in school - it is amazing what you can get from a few chapters and the back cover.
#3 In the 4th grade, a baseball player from the team my father was an assistant coach for, taught me how to Juggle. This special talent actually comes in pretty handy. It won me a prize once at basketball camp when a speaker asked if anyone could juggle - I had to prove it, but I was the only one. It also comes in handy for entertaining kids - which prompted me to teach myself how to balance a baseball bat (or anything with a straight handle) on my nose. - I am a regular Circus act.
#4 Clutter makes my skin crawl - some of you are laughing hysterically right now - If you could see my house, you would know how uncomfortable my skin feels. We have too much "stuff" and not a lot of places to put it. I long for shelves, and totes, and other forms of organizing tools. I wish for a place for everything and everything in it's place. One of these days, I am going to do a clean sweep - everything will go out on the lawn, necessities will make it back in....one of these days.
#5 I am addicted to "Days Of Our Lives"... I tivo it all week and catch up on the weekends. While I am watching it, I am conscious of it's ridiculousness, yet I am still hooked.
#6 There is something about Tony Danza that reminds me of my Brother-in-law. I don't know how to explain it, and those of you who know Dan probably think I have been drinking. But through the years of " Who's The Boss", I couldn't watch him without thinking he was just like Dan.
#7 I crave a drink I have not had in about 19 years. As a child, we didn't take trips to the mall on a weekly basis like we sometimes do now. We went once in a great while as a family. While we were there, I looked forward to our "treats" of an ORANGE JULIUS! That place moved out of the mall years and years ago, and I didn't know they still existed until this post. I looked it up and low and behold the nearest one is 40 miles from me and they are now owned by Dairy Queen.
There - I'm done... Now I have to tag 7 others.
The Rules:
Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog *Share seven facts about yourself in the post- some random, some weird, *tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and links to their blogs, *let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs/ and or twitter.
My seven: is really six
Just Another Mommy Blog
Live.Laugh.Pull your hair out
In the trenches of Mommyhood
Coconut belly
Chasing dreams running away
meilleur abonnement IPTV
3 years ago
Thanks for the tag.....it is on my To Do List!
Juggling is a great talent! I am jealous! My talents are limited to chocolate eating (I can eat alot) and remembering things I NEVER need to remember!
It is possible I have done this one... I can't recall... I'll let you know if I do it again. Thanks for the tag!
I am envious that you juggle as well. You have no idea how many times I have attempted to juggle 2 balls and could not do it more then 3 toss ups! Your talent is a rare one in my opinion....Oh and Orange Juliuses are the very best! Aside from Java Juice of course but the very next best thing! In high school whenever I hit up our mall, that was the only thing I ever drank and adored it! Brings back some good memories. :)
Total cop-out (I blame the holiday season for my rabid busy-ness)but here's the link to one of these I've already done:
Happy holidays - and welcome to the blogosphere!
i've done this one before ... and then a very good friend reminded me of more of my quirks. so i might put a spin on this for you in the near future.
and orange julius. yum.
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