Once Made by Chopping the ingredients in a hand grinder, we have modified the time it takes to make by using an electric food processor instead.
This dish is one that Corin and I enjoyed helping prepare as children and so in keeping the tradition alive, we have passed on the honors to our children. So far none of them enjoy eating it, but maybe someday they will.

To Make:
2 bags whole Cranberries (washed)
3 large seedless Oranges
1 cup sugar
Empty the 2 bags of cranberries into food processor (a little at a time is best) and chop. Empty into large bowl. Cut one orange into slices and chop in food processor (skins and all). then peel the other 2 oranges and also chop. Combine everything into large bowl and add sugar to taste. start with one cup and go from there. Some well-liked variations are to add walnuts or to put in a jello mold with orange flavored Jello.
Corin also wrote about the Cranberry Orange relish on her blog - Check it out to get a little more background on the Family.
To the Cranberry Crew,
Mom would be so delited to know that this has evolved into such a tradition. She was big on tradition.......maybe she's helping?
I followed a link from Corin's blog,.. your pics of the kids will be treasures for years to come. What a wonderful tradition.
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