I DO need to post about Vivians 4th birthday - I will get to that once I have time to get the pictures off the camera and ready to upload...I haven't forgotten about her - Unfortunately this post is just going to be a cluster of misc. happenings.
~~~~ GLOBAL WARMING?????? - my ass! I went to sleep last night in New York, and woke up in freaking ANTARCTICA!!! School was delayed 2 hours due to the reported -22 degrees. I know we live in the North country - but I haven't seen temperatures like this in quite a while. A co-worker said this morning that "this is like the old fashioned winters we used to have".
I said a little prayer this morning as I stood at the window and pushed the remote car starter to the minivan (thank god I have one of those) - I prayed it would start. - I could swear I actually heard a few "I think I can"'s coming from under the hood - followed by a few squeals and groans with it's efforts to stay running. right about now, I'm wishing I could fast forward to April. Did I mention I can't stand the COLD??!!
~~~~ what is going on with Kyle? - I don't believe I have blogged about him lately have I? - Last Saturday he started a Karate Class at the local Y. I think this is going to be right up his alley - I'm excited for him, and it is fun to watch. I also didn't report on his other happening because I was a still a little embarrassed. - but now I have convinced myself it could have been worse,.... I think. so I will confess. ---- I had to make my first complaining phone call to a parent last week of a child on the bus....ooohhh the dreaded bus. unfortunately it is a necessity for us. Apparently this 9 year old (bully) girl on the bus finds it entertaining to tell my son to do gross things such as LICK the bus FLOOR....gasp from the readers.... as well as the bottom of her shoe!...... everyone OK?....AND HE DOES THEM! I am pretty embarrassed that Kyle would even consider doing such a thing - and Believe me - we had a very long talk (3 days) and will continue to have more conversations about making good choices, and how kids that tell you to do things like that are not thinking you are funny, but they are making fun OF you! I was so upset, I decided to call the girl's parents (who I have never met). I wasn't getting real far with the Dad, so he handed the phone to Mom, who of course defended her child, but said she would talk to her daughter and find out her story, and if warranted, she would do something about it. I reassured her that I wasn't calling to be mean or get her daughter in trouble.. (maybe a little)... I would just appreciate it if her daughter knew that Kyle's mom wishes that she would not ask a first grader to do such gross things on the bus... (AND THAT I WILL BE WATCHING)... longer story short, the mom called back and said her daughter denies the whole thing, and blamed it all on another girl who she says also pulls his ears and hair. ..... I felt better anyway. And Kyle and I talked and talked....Then I got on the bus the next day and asked the bus driver to keep a closer eye on Kyle. (I don't feel like he was too enthused about that responsibility ) we will see if it gets any better...if not, there is always that can of Whoop ass I have handy!
Kerrigan is still a little stinker - we took down the railing of the crib which turns it into a toddler bed - (kind of a mistake) now we have to retrain the sleep routine, but she is still a lot better than how Kyle was going to sleep - with Kerrigan, you just have to make her think it is her idea for bedtime.... I know, who is the parent? but she really is the MOST stubborn child I have ever seen - she has some facial expressions that would make the devil cringe! - you gotta love her - she is all personality!
And last of my ramblings for today ---- Why don't you comment?... I visit other's blogs who regularly get at least 15 comments on each post. Granted, I do not have that many followers (blogger.com followers, with the little picture), but I have a LIVE FEED - I can see you all who visit! I can tell that many of you read, and then disappear! YOU in gloversville, YOU in Saratoga, YOU in Hadley, YOU in Texas, YOU in California... I can see you lurking around.----------------------- I check my blog several (lots and lots) times a day - not because I think the post fairy secretly left a new post on my blog - but because I am hoping for the comments, the feedback.I mean, come on - that last post about my daycare provider... had to tug at the heartstrings... and only 3 comments!!!!! (thank you to those 3 people).
- But I'm not being pushy, just whining.
meilleur abonnement IPTV
3 years ago
Well you didn't mention Waldorf! I visit all the time (as you know)and only recently have I figured out how to actually get something to post. I look forward to all of your posts, along with Corin's. Your mother and I talk about them on the weekend when I call. You and Corin are so talented, creative, compassionate - so much like your mother (I know she will read this). Keep up the good work.
As you know I just figured out how to post a comment too. I feel real lucky I was one of the three. Love reading your blogs, expecially about the kids. I'll try to send you notes often. Cheer up this cold snap will be over soon (maybe a week)and spring will be here before you know it. Then it will be Kyle's birthday.
I'm not sure how Lindsey will do when we convert her bed. She is good about going to bed now, but she can't get out of her crib(although she has tried). I suspect if she can get up, she will.
Bullies suck. Good for you confronting the situation head on.
I check for comments, too. I like to know if people think I'm on the marm or off the wall.
I get alot of lurkers too and I am somewhat addicted to getting comments............
I hear ya about the cold...I am in the north country...(umm....Ontario) and today was -30. So was yesterday...and the day before .....and the day before that. Frankly I am getting sick and tired of it!
Try this again:
I'm shivering right now.
I had a lurker from China and a lurker from Taiwan this week.
I've never seen Lindsey try to get our of her crib.
That little bully is lucky you didn't wring her neck!
ok because you asked nicely- here's your comment. I am a little blog shy still, knowing others can read my comment. I don't really know why. I'm so happy to feel a part of your everyday life. I can hear you telling these stories. You make me laugh. Thank you! I promise to comment more freely in the future.
I dont comment here as often as I laugh, shake my head, cry and ALWAYS think what a wonderful, talented and perfect sister I have. You are an awesome writer...even if you only have read one entire book in your life. Your life with three off the wall, funny, unique and spirited kids could make a comedy routine inspired sitcom much like everybody loves raymond. In a good way of course!
Thank you all for the wonderful comments - I didn't mean to sound like I was fishing for compliments, although they are ALWAYS nice to here! - Look how many new lurkers came out of the shadows!!!! I think we found Gloversville! That was the other reason I wanted comments - I want to know who you are. waldorf was obvious - and I love that she checks. I'm still curious who is in Hadley. Could it be Gloversville's Mom?
Not so much a comment about your blog,but a mention about the cards featuring your photography. For anyone who has looked and wondered- the cards are first-rate. Very heavy card stock and are actually frame worthy after their inital use as a note card to someone special.
I am now scared to death to send A on the bus next year. He'll be in K but our school goes from K-8. I will need to quite my job now to drive him to and from school.
I so feel for you about have to get rid of the crib. H finally started staying in his bed!! Just wait until they are teenagers.
AHHHH shucks Jane, thanks for including my talents alongside those of my girls. Sure Allison, look how many comments you got just by asking for them. We all tune in to check out the growing number of family bloggers. Great Fun!!
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